Buy Nothing East Bank
One thing that’s obvious from watching our community in action is that neighbors love helping neighbors. This week in Buy Nothing, member Elizabeth wanted to put together a care package for a family member in need. Her neighbors sprung into action: books, coloring books, and snacks were offered or delivered. Caitlin realized she had no party decorations for her son’s upcoming birthday. Rachel realized she needed camping supplies. AurĂ©lie needed 30 shoe boxes for a project. Molly needed to borrow a sledgehammer. Each time, neighbors took to their closets to help out. In another act of neighborly kindness, Janel was desperate to save her overripe bananas from the compost pile, and a neighbor quickly turned them into muffins! In a time of great challenge and uncertainty, these small acts of kindness between neighbors give me hope. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/BuyNothingEastBank/